3x 6min Threshold Intervals (60min)

Running, July 20, 2024

Spending time riding at your Threshold will enhance your ability to ride at Threshold. It will allow you to tolerate lactic acid, clearing it more effectively, lifting your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and also moving your Anaerobic Threshold deflection point to the right. Both these things mean you will be a fitter more effective cyclist. This workout will benefit all cyclists - road, mountain bikers and triathletes.

See a previous post about training intensity (Levels) to know how hard to work. If you are working directly with Coach Ray, he will, in most cases, prescribe either a Power Zone or Heart Rate Zone to work within if you are training with these tools.

3x 6min Threshold Intervals

  • 17min WU Level II;
  • 1:30min Level III-;
  • 1:30min Level III+;
  • 1min Level IV-;
  • 1min Level IV+;
  • 4min Level II;
  • 3x 6min Level IV, 2min Level II;
  • 10min CD Level II;
  • 10min Stretching

The Warm Up (WU) should be done at an intensity that is steady but not over consuming at Level II, riding for seventeen minutes.

Prior to the main set we will go through a little ramp where we ride at Level III- for one and a half minutes before riding at Level III+ for a further one and a half minutes. We continue to lift our intensity with a minute at Level IV- and then another minute at Level IV+.

Take a four minute Rest Interval (RI) riding at Level II before commencing the main set.

The main set is made up of three reps, riding at Level IV for six minutes with a two minute Rest Interval (RI) at Level II after each rep.

Conclude the ride with a cool down (CD) of ten minutes riding at Level II.

Finish with ten minutes of stretching to assist with the recovery.

Here is my data from doing the session a few weeks ago:

Originally published: https://www.coachray.nz/2024/07/21/sunday-smart-trainer-session-3x-6min-threshold-intervals/