100 Mile Mastery: The 16-Week Challenge

Training, June 18, 2024

🚴‍♂️ 100 Mile Mastery: The 16-Week Challenge 🚴‍♀️ Are you ready to conquer your first century ride? 🌟 Whether you’re a beginner eager to tackle 100 miles or an intermediate cyclist looking to enhance your endurance and performance, our 16-week program is designed just for you!

🚴‍♂️ 100 Mile Mastery: The 16-Week Challenge 🚴‍♀️

Are you ready to conquer your first century ride? 🌟 Whether you’re a beginner eager to tackle 100 miles or an intermediate cyclist looking to enhance your endurance and performance, our 16-week program is designed just for you!

Unlock Your Potential with Expert Guidance! FTP

100 Mile Mastery: The 16-Week Challenge is your ultimate guide to becoming a century ride champion. Our program is tailored for cyclists who can comfortably ride for 2 hours and are ready to train four times a week. Get ready to elevate your cycling game and reach new heights! 🚀

What's Inside the Program?

  • 🚴 Four Cycling Workouts Weekly: Each week features varied sessions including long rides, interval training, hill reps, and recovery rides, all crafted to build your endurance and boost your Functional Threshold Power (FTP).

  • 📈 FTP RAMP Tests: Track your progress every 4-6 weeks with our structured tests to fine-tune your training intensities and see how far you've come.

  • 🧘 Flexibility and Recovery: Enhance your performance and comfort on the bike with weekly flexibility sessions designed to aid recovery and keep you in peak condition.

  • 🎥 Video Lead Workouts: Join Coach Ray on Velocity for optional video-guided sessions, bringing expert coaching right to your screen.

  • 🗓️ Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Stay motivated and on track with our supportive community through bi-weekly Zoom calls with Coach Ray, where you can share experiences and gain valuable insights.

Why Choose 100 Mile Mastery?

  • 🚀 Performance Enhancement: Watch your FTP and overall cycling performance soar as you follow our expertly designed plan, setting you up for success on race day.

  • 💡 Train Smart: Our periodized approach ensures balanced training, maximizing gains without overtraining. Focus on what matters most – efficient and effective workouts!

  • 👥 Community and Support: Connect with fellow cyclists and Coach Ray for tips, encouragement, and shared journeys toward your century goal.

Hear from Our Cyclists!

"I wanted to get better results but working long hours….12 hours a day, limited hours to train. So Qwik Kiwi Coaching helped me get maximum benefit from my available training time. Training smarter, not more.” - Marcus Hull

"It’s not just coaching that you’re getting as such. As I’ve found out in several conversations there’s a lot of knowledge not just on events but actually the whole physiological stuff as well. That you go: ‘that makes sense’. Instead of just going ‘you have to do this’, there is actually a very large, sound knowledge base behind it." - Helen Majorhazi

Join the Challenge Today!

Ready to pedal your way to 100-mile mastery? 🚴‍♂️✨ Don't miss out on this transformative journey.

👉 Join Now and get ready to conquer your century ride with confidence!

Need a more personalized approach? Book a call with Coach Ray to discuss upgrading to a customized coaching plan and ensure you get the absolute most out of your training. 📞

About Qwik Kiwi Coaching

We specialize in smart, efficient training for time-crunched athletes. Our programs are designed to help you achieve your best, no matter your schedule. Join our community and start training for success today! 🌟

Get ready to ride beyond your limits and master the 100-mile challenge! 🚴‍♀️💪

Click Here To Join The Squad
